NAME Problem With Phone Cell Fax Contact
Acid Products Lime (Hydroginated & Plastic Wrapped) 773-254-5222 773-414-1638  --------------- Sherill
ALL ELECTRIC Electrical  Problem  (Machine) 847-885-9600  --------------- 847-885-4800 Michael Pokorny
AP-Tech MERCO Machine (New Setup)  --------------- 773-744-6305  --------------- Tom
Avana Electric Motors 847-439-7200 847-812-3672 847-439-3950 Tom Haney or Glen
B and D  Machine Shop Machine Shop Fabricators 773-434-6884 773-255-3046 773-434-6823 Jose / Tony
Bearing Headquarters Bearings, Motors, V-Belts, etc 773-862-4070 773-443-1661 773-862-1597 Richard Cross
Blue Chip  RTO Insolation Repair or new 630-554-5025 708-899-3170   Steve Richmond
Call Tronics Electrical  Problem  (Machine) 630-350-0044 630-669-4495 630-350-2409 Dave Johnson
Calls Electric Electrical  Problem  (Machine) 630-350-2700 630-514-9557  ---------------  ---------------
Catching Fluid Power Cylinders, Fittings, Hose  --------------- 708-751-8708  --------------- Paul Cotsilis
Com-Ed Emergency Electrical Power Failure 800-376-7693  ---------------  --------------- Emergenct Desk
Consolidated Pipe Pipe Supplys 708-431-8144  --------------- 815-476-5765 Bob Connolly
Crown Steel Steel Diamond Plate 773-376-1700  --------------- 773 376-8650 Curt  (Desk)
Dietz Supply Paint Booth Parts, Guns, Filters 847-669-9700 708-567-0771  --------------- Dan Nosek  or John
Door Systems Overhead Doors 847-437-0800  ---------------  --------------- Repair
Franklin Adhesives R2032,  Hardner 200 800-487-4583  ---------------  --------------- Mikzy or Sales
Grainger General Parts & Stuff  630-810-9933  ---------------  --------------- Sales
Great Lakes Pump (Parts)  Pumps on Tanks 248-528-9100  ---------------  --------------- Joe Zak
Hobbs Overhead Doors Overhead Doors 708-293-8910   --------------- 708-293-8912 Service
Hydrotex Oil and Grease 708-748-0706  ---------------  --------------- Al Voticke
Hyre Electric Electrical  Problem  (Machine) 312-738-7220 312-617-5422 312-738-4090 Service
J & L fasteners Spray Paint, Rollers, building Paint 630-910-3970 630-697-3963  --------------- John Rowley
Liberty Propain Propain for Fork Lifts 630-739-7871 630-742-7693 630-783-2175 Sales
Mc Master Carr General Parts & Stuff 630-833-0300  --------------- 630-834-9427 Sales
Miller Mechanical   Burner, Ovens, RTO (Gas, Electric)  815-463-8866 815-616-0329 815-463-8874 Al Miller
MR Industries Rubber for Blasters, Hoses 312-707-1145  --------------- 708-598-5399 Mike Roche
Northern Illinois Steel Steel Angle, Chanell, Corigated  --------------- 815-482-0408  --------------- Casy Piper
Paint Man Paint and Supplys  708-828-1063  ---------------  --------------- Mark
PC  POLCURR Electrical  Problem  (Machine) 708-243-3885 708-243-3885  --------------- John Marques
South Side Control Parts Electric   (Ovens, Burner) 773-585-3460  --------------- 773-585-3439 Dan
Steel Service Co. Blaster Top Screw Installers  708-514-1766 708-259-0236  --------------- Mike Bond/Ed Smith
US Gas OXIGEN, EXCIDILINE, CO2 708-598-4116  --------------- 708-598-0406 Sales
Viking Chemical Caustic (Sodium Hydroxide) 815-397-0500 630-205-7168  --------------- Joe Lamcrest
          JRD  07-13-20